Psychology, Tuition and Me
A significant part of my work is not my psychology-based work at all but tutoring. I, however, do not see such a great distinction between the two. My Positive Psychology practice entirely informs how I tutor. It makes me a ‘different’ kind of tutor as well. Here are some of the reasons why:
Growth mindset - I encourage children to take risks in their work, to embrace the notion of failing sometimes and having to try again (and again, and again) in a safe environment. The aim is to build up a sense of grit and resilience. Importantly, it helps to learn that the learning journey is not always entirely comfortable but one to be navigated and not feared;
Positive emotions - one of my aims in every tuition session is for my students to leave feeling good. I do a lot of this through laughter. We tweak the nose of ‘failure’ and we enjoy and revel in recognition for effort and praise. It is also through giving them attention and appreciating who they are as people - and listening. We have a laugh.
Strengths - I endeavour to facilitate students realisation of the strengths they have innately within them that they can use when faced with challenges - or just life!
Flow - when we get into activities at the right level of challenge, not too little, not too much - then students are engaged and enjoying themselves and the time just flies.
Purpose - I always try and establish why we are doing something and what value it has, what its meaning is for the student.
Hope - we have hopes for the future but I make sure we talk about how things can sometimes send our plans awry and that is ok, the trick is how to respond to that - how to have ‘willpower’ and ‘waypower’ i.e. how to find a way when things change.
Compassion - self-compassion is an all-pervasive part of my practice; the importance of recognising one’s own humanity and failings and how that is perfectly ok and connects us with our community - who feel the same.
Social awareness - I endeavour to weave a sense of fairness; equality, anti-racism, anti-sexism and compassion towards society and others into my practice and, again, this is a pervasive objective that informs all of my tutoring.
If that sounds like I mention failure a lot in there, it is because it is through endeavour that success is grown. It helps to be comfortable with the intellectual rough and tumble of the process of learning and growing.
So, there are my eight. I could write 50 pages on this. However, we’re all busy people and if you have stayed with me to the end here, I commend you! Please email me with any questions you have: